Our Living Room.

Bringing the Inside Outside explores methods of sharing Afro-Caribbean legacies, normally held in the intimacy of domestic interiors, and translating them to fit underutilized public spaces in South Jamaica, Queens, NY.

sketch inspired by my family’s photo wall
Beryl (grandma) and I
section of picture wall crochet curtain
Reflecting on my experience growing up in an Afro-Caribbean household and community, I am interested in utilizing our exterior environment as an extension of our interiors by facilitating programs that amplify making, cultivating, interacting, and uniting.
Recognizing the need for co-creation in marginalized communities, this project delves into workshop methods of active archiving and cultural preservation, aiming to transform surrounding public spaces into living monuments of Afro-Caribbean traditions.
breakdown of site, moments, memories, and correlations

Furthermore, this research investigates the potential of blurring the lines between private and public spaces within these marginalized communities, focusing on how spatial reconfiguration can foster moments of communal bonding and cultural exchange.